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The Author-Editor Relationship

When I started writing ten years ago, I had no idea where to go or who to turn to when it came to the editing process. Over the course of writing my first book and meeting other writers, I knew there were several options available to me, but as the story goes for most novices,…

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Dead Drift

For two girls on the run, the rapids seem like the perfect adventure. But it might just be their last. At eighteen, Emmy Jenkins knows not to expect too much from life. She’s spent most of it bouncing from one foster home to another. The one thing she can count on is her foster sister…

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5 Tips for Self-Editing for Fiction Writers

“You just finished writing your novel! What are you going to do next?” This sounds a lot like the gameshow host’s proverbial, “You just won a million dollars! What are you going to next?” doesn’t it? I’ve never heard a game winner shout, “Edit!” but, “Self-edit!” should be every fiction writer’s answer. Completing a novel…

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